Saturday, October 6, 2012

What our 2 year old can do!

Parker is 2!
Here is what he can do!
  1. Sing the ABC's (well mostly, he usually skips forward to LMNO, and he sometimes will only say a few of the end letters, like P, S, W, X, and Z, but he totally loves this song now)!
  2. Sing's Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (mostly just says "Baa-Baa" a lot) and Wheels on the Bus.
  3. Sing's Happy Birthday and tells people "Happy"!
  4. He can answer the question "How old are you?"
  5. He can answer the question, "What is your name?"
  6. He can answer the question, "What is your sister's name?"
  7. He often asks me if I am "Happy?"(perhaps my hormones were just slightly out of wack recently)!
  8. He will say one or two words in a row, but has not yet put three or more words together.
  9. He loves his milk and does not leave the house without a sippy cup!
  10. He loves his baby sister and can make her smile by gently playing with her hands or 'booping' her nose just like Mommy!
  11. He loves trains, buses, and cars more than I thought a little boy ever would!
  12. He askes for Caillou or Elmo occasionally on the TV.
  13. He loves to play Daddy's I-pad, which he called "daddy" for the longest time (I think he has withdrawal from it when Daddy is traveling)!
  14. His hair sticks out like Dumb and Dumber when we get it cut too short!
  15. He loves to wrestle with his Daddy or play horsey!
  16. He gets so excited when Daddy comes home from work and runs back and forth from Lily and me to the door waiting for him to walk in from the garage. It made me cry when he squealed and jumped up and down watching Daddy come home from Germany after he was gone much longer than the regular work day!!!
  17. He politely says, "Excuse me" when he burps or farts (but then thinks it is hilarious to continue to fake burp for like an hour).
  18. He says, "Bless you" when someone sneezes, but also after people cough (which leads me to believe we need to work on this one a bit more)!
  19. He knows that prayers end with a hearty, "AMEN"!
  20. He has pooped and peed on the potty a few times, but we need to be more consistent with it!
  21. He jumps with great gusto...but his feet do not leave the ground!
  22. He loves his Aunt "Maggie" (but has moved onto calling her "Megan" and is becoming quite obsessed with his Uncle "Mario"...whom he used to call "Ario").
  23. He freaks when the phone rings and rushes to get it and bring it to me!
  24. He assumes every phone call is from Aunt "Amy" and every time we are in the car or on the computer he claims we are going to G-Ma's or going to be talking to her on Skype.
  25. He is the best little boy I know and I am thrilled and saddened to watch him grow up. Wish he could stay my baby forever...I tell him often that I am the only woman that will ever make him happy!
P.S. Thanks a lot Riki, Tony, and Ava for the is not in the least annoying, Lily's crying can drown most of it out, plus I don't ever get headaches!!!!!!!!!!!

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